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Mammillaria Parkinsonii * Owl-Eye Pincushion Cactaceae * RARE Cactus 10 Seeds

Mammillaria parkinsonii, also known as owl-eye pincushion or owl-eye cactus, is a species of flowering plant in the Cactaceae family. It was first described by Ehrenberg in 1840 in Linnaea . This plant is easy to cultivate but slow growing. It need full sun, so it keep a compact and flat shape. It does not tolerate intense cold, but tolerates some cold if kept dry. The fruits of mammillarias are edible, though their small size makes them difficult to gather in nutritionally significant quantities. Some are pleasantly tart, others bland. Great for small containers and highly tolerant of drought. Also features small, pink-purple flowers as well as as gray-white appearance. Originally from Mexico.
سعر عادي $6.00 USD
سعر عادي سعر البيع $6.00 USD
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