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Calathea Ornata * Lovers Plant * Amazing Leaves * Pink Strips * Rare Seeds *

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Calathea is a herbaceous perennial from the Tropical Americas like Brazil, Guyana, Colombia and Nicaragua. The handsome leaves are the attraction for tropical gardeners and indoor plant lovers as well. Their height may range from 6 inches to 3 feet tall. The foliage varies in color; some have rose, yellow, olive or white leaves. the leaves of some varieties of Calathea may be patterned with interesting colorful lines, blotches or spots. Although Calathea develops flowers, they are typically very small and insignificant. Calathea should only be used in a hot climate in an outdoor landscape. Use it in shaded conditions and protect from all wind and even mild cold. Prolonged direct sunlight is harmful. A minimum winter temperature of 55 degrees is required

3 Seeds

Regular price $5.99 USD
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