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Dillenia Indica * Elephant Apple Fruit * Evergreen Tree * 10 Fresh Seeds *

Dillenia indica is a species of Dillenia native to southeastern Asia, from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka . It is an evergreen large shrub or small to medium-sized tree growing to 15 m tall. The leaves are 15-36 cm long, with a conspicuously corrugated surface with impressed veins. Its branches are used to make good firewood. The flowers are large, 15-20 cm diameter, with five white petals and numerous yellow stamens. The fruit are Large, tart flavored weighing up to a couple of pounds. The tree is well-known and cultivated in many tropical areas for its fruits. The fruits are edible out of hand when ripe, and used unripe to make chutneys and jams.
Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.99 USD
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